With Prime Time Tracer Air travel trailers, gone are the days of needing a huge vehicle to tow your camper to your vacation spot. The innovative construction of each of the nineteen available floorplans is meant to add all of the features and amenities you want without adding a lot of weight. Thus, keeping it light enough to be pulled by many cross-over and mid-sized SUVs and increase your comfort while driving to and from the campground.

One of the ways that the Prime Time Tracer Air is able to keep its weight low while still offering quality materials is with the exclusive ETERNABOND construction. This design brings together things like light weight durable products and a high gloss fiberglass exterior that are meant to add durability as well as beauty. This way you can keep your camper safe from damage while still keeping the tow weight well below other travel trailer models.

Within the ETERNABOND system, one area that will have particular attention paid to it is the insulation, especially in the Tracer Air travel trailers Extreme Thermal Package. In this package, the floor and ceiling are both made from aluminum and R-52 insulation to add strength and protection from warm and cold weather as well as create more of a sound barrier. You will also find major upgrades in the enclosed and heated underbelly and the heated holding tank, so this RV will winterize more efficiently and keep every piece protected from colder temperatures.

Although the main area of the Prime Time Tracer Air travel trailer that makes it unique is the exterior structure, there will still be many features inside that people love. Be sure to contact us or come by our location, so we can show you everything, inside and out, that this camper will have to benefit you. While you are here, we can show you around any of our other travel trailers, fifth wheels, and more, so you are sure to leave with the camper that fits you best.