Everything about the Grand Design Solitude fifth wheel is big! This RV comes with larger and deeper cabinets, giant windows for more scenic landscapes, taller ceilings throughout, and a body width that can measure over one hundred inches, and as the most spacious interior ever built, the Solitude 379FL is the best option for an extended stay fifth wheel that you can get.

One of the ways this 379FL fifth wheel is able to add this amount of space is with the addition of five separate slideouts. You heard right…five! Each slide out will add floor space to allow for everything you could possibly need. Things like a queen or king sized bed and two hide-a-bed sofas give everyone staying on the trip their very own comfortable spot to sleep. Plus, one of the slides will have all of residential sized kitchen appliances, like the double door fridge with freezer underneath, in it to keep the kitchen and dining area large and open. It will even be large enough to have an island in the center of the room for added counter space and for a perfect location for the stainless steel sink and faucet.

Although the Grand Design Solitude can still be used on short vacations, many of its features are catered towards those extended stay RVers. With large areas of storage in the master bedroom and kitchen as well as underneath with easy-to-access exterior doors, you will have a perfect place for everything you could possible need. And with its very own washer and dryer hook up, you will be able to keep your clothing fresh and clean in any campground or RV park you find yourself.

The amazing Grand Design Solitude fifth wheel has the largest interior of any RV ever made, and with all of the space, you and your family will be able to go anywhere for as long as you want and feel relaxed and comfortable in the luxury provided.
If you are ready to become a more serious RVer and take your camper on longer trips, then make sure you contact us to hear all about this and all of our campers. You could also just come by our location to see the interior of this fifth wheel for yourself! You’ll be blown away by the sheer magnitude of the space it will offer.